How To Produce A Flood Of Leads To Your Website
To use the strategy I am about to share with you it’s essential that you have your own blog or website. It’s important to be aware that all the main search providers like Google always rank website’s higher if they have new content added to them on a regular basis. You will also need to ensure that your network marketing lead generation pages are correctly prepared to be ranked in the search results, in its basic form this means that your keyword/phrase should be in the title, meta description and a few times in the actual page content. However make sure they are not mentioned too often as this will not benefit you at all.
Webpages should be easy and pleasurable to read by your readers. It is frustrating to your readers to keeping seeing the same phrase mentioned over and over again in your content, the spiders that crawl your site don’t like it either and they will punish you by dropping your ranking into never never land, that’s if they rank you at all!
The main calculation that search engines use to rank a sites importance is the number of backlinks that point to it, the more the better.
There are 2 reasons we want to use this method, we need to get a good position in the search results so we can draw traffic and next we need to syndicate the material to as many different places as possible so more people will find it and click through to our website. Following are the things we need to accomplish
1) You want to write an informative useful blog post or article it’s a good idea to keep it to around 500 words so as not to drone on and bore your readers, also important which some people don’t do is make sure that the title of your article is accurate and you deliver what you promise. It goes without saying that your article should be focused around the keyphrase that you want to rank for, you want your content to be informative and compelling because when this article reaches the main directories you want readers to click through to your links.
2) Now that you have created your piece of content it needs to go onto your website or blog then you want to get 25 or so instant backlinks by bookmarking it. You can do this with a few mouse clicks by using a tool called OnlyWire
3) Next you want to produce a short video promoting your piece of content, this can be either you sitting in front of the camera talking about the subject of your article or a PowerPoint presentation or even just a simple screen capture. The key here is to promote your piece of content that you have just written, make sure you deliver a good message that will make people want to get more information, which means that they are more likely to visit your website. The next thing to do is to load it up to the popular video casting sites. There are several ways of doing this, you could use a tool like Traffic Geyser (recommended) or do it manually. There is no doubt that Google indexes videos very quickly, sometimes within minutes.
4) Then you need to take your original article and syndicate it to the major article directories, make sure you spin it though as it will increase the effectiveness of your backlinks. It can be a very longwinded process so you are best off buying some submission software or using an article distribution service.
5) Spread the word about your new blog post/article to your social networks like Twitter & Facebook.
In a nutshell that’s it. You need to do this consistently for it to actually work. Click here to learn more
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